New in version 4.2 of Camera Verifier 15000 series (06 March 2023)
Add row count parameter for GS1 DataBar, PDF417 & GS1 Composite codes.
Add column count & row height parameters for PDF417 & GS1 Composite codes.
Add user data to detailed plugins report.
Show errors in GS1 plugins for any duplicated application identifiers.
Improve decoding of EAN/UPC addons & Laetus codes.
Increased tolerance on element widths for Laetus codes.
Increased tolerance on “Wide:Narrow Ratio” checks for ITF-14 codes.
Improve stitching of stacked DataBar Expanded codes.
Update GS1 plugins as per GS1 General Specifications v23.0.
Update Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian & Spanish translations.
Fix spurious X dimension, unused error correction & codeword yield values for PDF417 & GS1 Composite codes with any rows that have not fully decoded.
Fix translations not applying consistently on machines with mixed system locale & language configuration.
Fix last saved & printed report toolbar buttons and menu entries not always remembering from previous sessions.
Fix empty per-segment FPD parameters in CSV reports.
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