New in version 2.2 of Camera Verifier 15000 series (04 October 2021)
Improve QR decoding.
Updated German translation.
Show an error or warning in GS1 plugins for any empty variable length application identifiers.
Improve GS1 data content checking of codes either missing required or containing unnecessary separator characters.
Fix user data items requiring a restart to be fully removed from settings.
Fix user data items from loaded scan files being added to subsequent scans.
Fix user data items from loaded scan files losing their pass/fail status.
Fix automatic detection of coloured bars/wide spaces in Laetus codes.
Fix misdecode of some linear symbols containing PDF417/composite start patterns.
Fix bogus linear reflectance margin parameter value.
Fix occasional spurious overall decode grade of 0 when one scan in a linear code fails the reference decode algorithm.
相關產品鏈接:Axicon 15200條碼檢測儀 Axicon 15500條碼檢測儀
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